Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
Central Library - Vidyasagar University

“Education does not only mean learning, reading, writing, and arithmetic,

it should provide a comprehensive knowledge”

-Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar

Your search returned 53 results. Subscribe to this search

1. Postmodernism : a beginner`s guide / Kevin Hart.

by Hart, Kevin.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 149.97 HAR/P] (2).

2. Faith and reason in islam : Averroes` exposition of religious arguments / Translated by Ibrahim Y. Najjar.

by Najjar, Ibrahim Y.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 297 NAJ/F] (1).

3. Lessons in islamic jurisprudence / Muhammad Baqir As-Sadr.

by Baqir As-Sadr, Muhammad.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 297.27 BAR/L] (1).

4. Sufism : a short introduction / William C Chittick.

by Chittick, William C.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 297.4 CHI/S] (2). Checked out (1).

5. Confucianism : a short introduction / John H Berthrong.

by Berthrong, John H.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 920CON BER/C] (2).

6. Philosophy and religion : from Plato to postmodernism / Max Charlesworth.

by Charlesworth, Max.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 210 CHA/P] (2).

7. Philosophy of mind : a short introduction / Edward Feser.

by Feser, Edward.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 128.2 FES/P] (1). Checked out (1).

8. Rumi : past and present, east and west / Franklin D Lewis.

by Lewis, Franklin D.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 821.1 LEW/R] (1).

9. Spinoza / by Richard H. Popkin.

by Popkin, Richard H.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 190 POP/S] (2).

10. The fifth dimension : an exploration of the spiritual realm / by John Hick.

by Hick, John.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 133.9 HIC/F] (2).

11. Descartes / Harry M Bracken.

by Bracken, Harry M.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 194 BRA/D] (2).

12. Kierkegaard / Michael Watts.

by Watts, Michael.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 198.9 WAT/K] (2).

13. Marx / by Andrew Collier.

by Collier, Andrew.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 335.4 COL/M] (2).

14. Religion : a beginner`s guide / by Martin Forward.

by Forward, Martin.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 291 FOR/R] (2).

15. The brain : a beginner`s guide / Ammar Al-Chalabi.

by Al-Chalabi, Ammar | Turner, Martin R | Delamont, R Shane.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 612.82 ALC/B] (1).

16. The new imperialists : ideologies of empire / edited by Colin Mooers.

by Mooers, Colin.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 325.32 MOO/N] (1).

17. A concise encyclopedia of Buddhism / John Powers.

by Powers, John [Powers, John.].

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 294.303 POW/C] (1). Items available for reference: Central Library [Call number: 294.303 POW/C] (1).

18. A concise encyclopedia of christianity / Geoffrey Parrinder.

by Parrinder, Geoffrey.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 290.3 PAR/C] (1).

19. A concise encyclopedia of Hinduism / Klaus K Klostermaier.

by Klostermaier, Klaus K.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 294.503 KLO/C] (1). Items available for reference: Central Library [Call number: 294.503 KLO/C] (1).

20. A concise encyclopedia of Islam / Gordon D Newby.

by Newby, Gordon D.

Edition: / .Material type: Text Text; Format: print regular print ; Audience: General; Publisher: Oxford : Oneworld publications , 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 297.03 NEW/C] (2).

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