Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
Central Library - Vidyasagar University

“Education does not only mean learning, reading, writing, and arithmetic,

it should provide a comprehensive knowledge”

-Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar

Your search returned 450 results. Subscribe to this search

441. Creating the Customer driven library: building on the bookstore model / Jeannette Woodward.

by Woodward, Jeannette.

Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 2009Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library [Call number: 021.7 WOO/C] (1).

442. Nabhi's right to information one should know : a simple handbook to know your right to information / complied and edited by Nabhi's Board of Editors

Edition: 6th ed.Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: New Delhi : A Nabhi Publication , 2023Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library [Call number: 342.54 NAB/N] (1).

443. Public finance/ by Ambar Ghosh and Chandana Ghosh

by Ghosh, Ambar [author] | Ghosh, Chandana [joint author].

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: regular print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: New Delhi: PHI Learning, 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 336 GHO/P] (1).

444. A strategic nature: Public relations and the politics of American environmentalism / by Melissa Aronczyk and Maria I. Espinoza. [electronic resource]

by Aronczyk, M. (Melissa) [author] | Espinoza, M. I., (Maria I.) [author].

Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 2021Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 363.700973 STR/K] (1).

445. Political corruption: The internal enemy of public institutions / Emanuela Ceva, Maria Paola Ferretti. [electronic resource]

by Ceva, E. (Emanuela) [author.] | Ferretti, M. P. (Maria Paola) [author.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: New York , NY : Oxford University Press, 2021Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 172.2 CEV/P] (1).

446. The RTI story: power to the people/ Aruna Roy; forewarded by Gopalkrishna Gandhi

by Roy, Aruna [author] | Gandhi, Gopalkrishna [forewarder].

Material type: Text Text; Format: regular print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: New Delhi: ROLI books, 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library [Call number: 342.0662 ROY/R] (1).

447. Pious flames: European encounters with sati, 1500-1830/ by Andrea Major.

by Major, Andrea [author].

Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library [Call number: 393.9 MAJ/P] (1).

448. Economics and the public purpose/ by John Kenneth Galbraith

by Galbraith, John Kenneth [Author].

Material type: Text Text; Format: regular print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: United states: Hoghton mifflin company boston, 1973Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library [Call number: 336.014 GAL/E] (1).

449. Communities, commons & corporations/ Perspectives groups

by Perspectives (Group : New Delhi, India).

Material type: Text Text; Format: regular print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: Delhi : Perspectives, 2012Other title: Communities, commons, and corporations.Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library [Call number: 307.77 PER/C] (1).

450. The growth of public expenditure in the United Kingdom, by Alan T. Peacock and Jack Wiseman assisted by Jindrich Veverka.

by Peacock, Alan T [author] | Wiseman, Jack [joint author.] | Veverka, Jindrich [joint author].

Edition: Revised 2nd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: regular print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: London: Allen & Unwin, 1967Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library [Call number: 336.42 PEA/G] (1).

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