Place Hold on Society and ideology : essays in south Asian history /
]]>Place Hold on Subaltern studies vii : writings on South Asian history and society /
]]>Place Hold on Participatory development : learning from South Asia /
]]>Place Hold on South Asia in a changing international order /
]]>Place Hold on Communities and conservation : natural resource management in South and Central Asia /
]]>Place Hold on Modern south Asia : a history, culture political economy /
]]>Place Hold on The Archaecology of early historic South Asia : the emergence of cities and stated /
]]>Place Hold on Regional economic trends and south Asian security /
]]>Place Hold on Institutions and economic change in South Asia /
]]>Place Hold on An field of one`s own : gender and rights South Asia /
]]>Place Hold on Society from the inside : anthropological perspectives of the South Asian household /
]]>Place Hold on State, society and human rights in south Asia /
]]>Place Hold on Invoking the past : the uses of history in South Asia /
]]>Place Hold on Subaltern studies I : writings on South Asian history and society /
]]>Place Hold on Caste : the emergence of the South Asian social system /
]]>Place Hold on Public health and the poverty of reforms : the South Asian predicament /
]]>Place Hold on Ethnicity and nations - building in South - Asia /
]]>Place Hold on The unfinished agenda : nation building in South Asia /
]]>Place Hold on Warfare and weaponry in South Asia 1000-1800 /
]]>Place Hold on Competing nationalism in South Asia : essays for Asghar Ali Engineer /
]]>Place Hold on The new international politics of south Asia /
]]>Place Hold on Small farmers in South Asia : their characteristics, productivity and efficiency /
]]>Place Hold on Gender relations in forest societies in Asia : patriarchy at odds /
]]>Place Hold on Lived Islam in south Asia : adaptation, accommodation and conflict /
]]>Place Hold on Internal displacement in south Asia : the relevance of the UN`s guiding principles /
]]>Place Hold on Public health and the poverty of reforms : the South Asian predicament /