Rukmangadachary, E.

Mathematical Methods [ electronic resource ] / by E. Rukmangadachary. - Pearson, 2009

Mathematics lays the basic foundation for engineering students to pursue their core subjects. Mathematical Methods covers topics on matrices, linear systems of equations, eigen values, eigenvectors, quadratic forms, Fourier series, partial differential equations, Z-transforms, numerical methods of solutions of equation, differentiation, integration and numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations. The book features numerical solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations by iteration, bisection, Newton – Raphson methods; the numerical methods include cubic spline method, Runge–Kutta methods and Adams–Bashforth – Moulton methods; applications to one-dimensional heat equations, wave equations and Laplace equations; clear concepts of classifiable functions—even and odd functions—in Fourier series; exhaustive coverage of LU decomposition—tridiagonal systems in solutions of linear systems of equations; over 900 objective-type questions that include multiple choice questions fill in the blanks match the following and true or false statements and the atest University model question papers with solutions.

9789332500853 ( e-book )


Electronic books