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International economics : theory & policy / by Paul R.

Contributor(s): Krugman, Paul R [author.] | Obstfeld, Maurice [joint author] | Melitz, Marc J [joint author.] | Priyadarshini, Padmaja [joint author].
Material type: TextTextPublisher: New Delhi: Pearson Education, Inc., 2022Edition: 12th ed.Description: xxx, 811p.: 23cm.Content type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9789356064768:.Subject(s): INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | INTERNATIONAL FINANCEDDC classification: 337 Summary: "Nothing illustrates better than the COVID-19 pandemic how movements of people, flows of data, and commerce connect our interdependent world. Because pathogens do not respect national borders, the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused a global economic shock and a worldwide downturn, sending governments throughout the world scrambling for policies to stop the spread of the disease while supporting their economies. As this book went to press, the crisis was still underway, with the arrival of several effective vaccines giving hope of a road back to normalcy. Many lessons will be drawn from the recent pandemic experience, but one is the importance of an international perspective for analyzing events of worldwide economic significance and countries' responses. The purpose of this book is to equip students with intellectual tools for understanding the economic implications of global interdependence. We have thoroughly updated the content and extensively revised several chapters. These revisions respond both to users' suggestions and to some important developments on the theoretical and practical sides of international economics"-- Provided by publisher.
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Includes index.

"Nothing illustrates better than the COVID-19 pandemic how movements of people, flows of data, and commerce connect our interdependent world. Because pathogens do not respect national borders, the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused a global economic shock and a worldwide downturn, sending governments throughout the world scrambling for policies to stop the spread of the disease while supporting their economies. As this book went to press, the crisis was still underway, with the arrival of several effective vaccines giving hope of a road back to normalcy. Many lessons will be drawn from the recent pandemic experience, but one is the importance of an international perspective for analyzing events of worldwide economic significance and countries' responses. The purpose of this book is to equip students with intellectual tools for understanding the economic implications of global interdependence. We have thoroughly updated the content and extensively revised several chapters. These revisions respond both to users' suggestions and to some important developments on the theoretical and practical sides of international economics"-- Provided by publisher.

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