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Central Library - Vidyasagar University

“Education does not only mean learning, reading, writing, and arithmetic,

it should provide a comprehensive knowledge”

-Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar

Barry Tomlinson, P.

The Botany of Mangroves [ electronic resource ] / by P. Barry Tomlinson. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge University Press , 2016

Mangroves are distinctive tropical plant communities that occupy the intertidal zone between sea and land. They are of major ecological importance, have economic value as a source of food and raw materials, and serve as a buffer from flooding and climate change-induced sea level rise. Mangroves are under threat from pollution, clearance and over-exploitation, and increasing concern has driven demand for an improved understanding of mangrove species. This book provides an introduction to mangroves, including their taxonomy, habitat-specific features, reproduction and socio-economic value. Fully updated to reflect the last two decades of research, this new edition of a key text includes newly documented taxa, new understandings of vivipary and the evolution of mangrove species, and a rich set of colour illustrations. It will appeal to researchers and students across a range of disciplines, including botany, ecology and zoology.

9781139946575 ( e-book )

Plant Sciences and Life Sciences

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