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“Education does not only mean learning, reading, writing, and arithmetic,

it should provide a comprehensive knowledge”

-Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar

Lindoy, L. F.

The Chemistry of Macrocyclic Ligand Complexes [ electronic resource ] / by L. F. Lindoy. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , 2009. - Cambridge Texts in Chemistry and Biochemistry .

This book contains an overview of complex formation by macrocyclic ligand systems. The study of macrocyclic chemistry represents a major area of activity which impinges on a range of other areas in both chemistry and biochemistry. The field has characteristically yielded many interesting and unusual compounds. The text discusses the structures and properties of macrocyclic compounds; the synthesis of macrocycles; polyether crown and related systems; metal-ion and molecular recognition (host-guest chemistry); as well as kinetic, thermodynamic and electrochemical aspects of a range of macrocyclic systems. A discussion of the different categories of naturally occurring macrocycles is also included. Specialist and non-specialist alike will find this a useful text. Apart from serving as a convenient reference for established workers in the field, it should also prove useful to new graduate students as well as to researchers from other areas who seek a general introduction to the subject. The topics discussed also provide a suitable basis for a senior undergraduate or graduate course in macrocyclic chemistry and inorganic complexes.

9780511564376 ( e-book )

Inorganic Chemistry
Molecular Biology
Structural Biology

Electronic books

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