Woloch, Isser.
Eighteenth-century Europe : tradition and progress 1715-1789 / by Isser Woloch. - / . - New York : W.W. Norton , 1982. - 364p. : pictures, maps ; 22cm CD . - The norton history of modern europe, NULL NULL; . - The norton history of modern europe, NULL NULL; .
Includes index
0393015068 USD18.75
940.253 / WOL/E
Eighteenth-century Europe : tradition and progress 1715-1789 / by Isser Woloch. - / . - New York : W.W. Norton , 1982. - 364p. : pictures, maps ; 22cm CD . - The norton history of modern europe, NULL NULL; . - The norton history of modern europe, NULL NULL; .
Includes index
0393015068 USD18.75
940.253 / WOL/E